This was created to be a comprehensive source for Education & Action about Sovereignty & Freedom, so more content is being added. Be sure to watch video clips and download the free resources below to start you on your journey.
7 Aspects of Sovereignty
Internal Aspects of Sovereignty:
Work on the Internal Aspects:
40 Days to Happiness through Soul Growth
(Just a few minutes each day!)
External Aspects of Sovereignty:
Work on the External Aspects:
Some of the External Aspects:
The TRUTH about the Federal Reserve & the IRS
The 3-Volume Sovereign’s Handbook by Johnny Liberty is textbook material for everyone including educators / teachers, homeschoolers, historians, activists, leaders / politicians, attorneys / judges / law schools, police officers, and state Citizens / Nationals.
- Fruits from a Poisonous Tree by Mel Stamper
- Freedom from Government Series by Trent Goudbaudy
- Word Magic: The Powers & Occult Definitions of Words by Pao Chang
- Chained to the Sky by Charles Booker
- Your American Yardstick by Hamilton Abert Long
- Bouvier’s Law Dictionary: Complete and Unabridged by John Bouvier
- Unrebutted Affidavits Stand As Truth by David Robinson
- Burton’s Legal Thesaurus by William C Burton
Articles, documents, etc. (right-click to download)
- Laws of Being / Natural Law (also commonly referred to as Existential, Universal, or Spiritual Law)
- THE “NAME” GAME: You Are Not Who ‘They’ Presume You Are
- Edward Mandell House’s private meeting with Woodrow Wilson (US President 1913 – 1921)
Books (right-click to download)
- Modern Money Mechanics: A Workbook on Bank Reserves and Deposit Expansion
- Confessions of an Economic Hit Man by John Perkins
- The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man by John Perkins
Legal Dictionaries (right-click to download)
- Black’s Law 3rd edition (186 MB)
- Black’s Law 4th edition (10 MB)
- Black’s Law 5th edition (55 MB)
- Black’s Law 6th edition (29 MB)
- Oxford Dictionary of Law (4 MB)
I wish you would understand this day that when I say I AM Truth incarnate, I must rely upon your body, your flesh and your blood, your mind and your soul to be the incarnation of the Word of Truth that I AM!…
I AM Pallas Athena. I AM Greek. I AM Roman. I AM freeborn. I AM a member of every nation. I AM an American. From this day and forevermore, I claim you for the cause of Truth because you have made that cause your own. In the living flame of Truth, I am grateful for your love of Truth, of liberty, for your courage and your self-sacrifice. I am grateful, and I bow before the flame of Truth within you. And I will use that flame to light a nation and to light a world.